I teach people to speak their minds without breaking hearts. I do this by helping my clients discover who they truly are & what they really want by identifying their morals, values, dreams, goals & so much more using breathwork, emotional intelligence & effective communication. When unmet needs are identified, thoughts are organized, & emotions are calmed, communication is more successful. This method positively impacts overall health, wellness & happiness. It is my mission to improve our world one breath & one conversation at a time.
Conversation &
Breathwork Courses
Public Speaking
My mother said my first words were, “I’m mad!” What an unfortunate start, right? Well, I realized with that statement, at least I was expressing my feelings. Somewhere along the way I lost that ability and learned a very toxic way to behave instead. I kept it all buried until it made me physically ill. I was born into tragedy & trauma and have spent my life learning how to make my way through the muck & the mire to create a beautiful life for myself. One of the best things I ever did was join the Army. This gave me a sense of pride, independence, and accomplishment. I was a photojournalist specializing in media relations for about seven years. I started seeking wise counsel & guidance in my mid 20s, while on active duty. I had been struggling with anxiety and depression and realized I was very responsible but not mature. Once I was discharged, I sought help through the Veterans Administration (VA). I attended courses such as Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Mantram Repetition for Rapid Stress Reduction; Cognitive Processing Therapy; etc. I’ve also attended and run 12 Step programs such as Adult Children Of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families, Narcotics Anonymous, and Al-Anon. I got my bachelor’s of science degree in Elementary Education at Salish Kootenai College in Montana on the Flathead Indian Reservation; and, I got my master’s of science degree in Psychology with an emphasis on Health Psychology at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ. I recently became a Certified Pranayama Breathwork Trainer at the Online Yoga School Yoga & Ayurveda Center. While teaching, I became a PAX coach, otherwise known as the Good Behavior Game, through the Paxis Institute to help my 3rd graders self-regulate. Surprisingly, it helped me do the same. PAX is Latin for peace, productivity, health & happiness. I’ve found that I use these tools more when I teach them to others.
Some of the challenging experiences I’ve endured include the death of my birth father before I was born, growing up in an alcoholic & dysfunctional home; having breast cancer twice, living in a marriage riddled with domestic violence, which led to a divorce; raising my children in a dysfunctional home, the recent deaths of my mom & step dad, and a falling out with my siblings. The list goes on. My company was born out of my need to create harmonious relationships with those who mean the most to me: my children, my grandchildren, my friends, family & my honey. In all my years of research to better my life, the one thing I found to be key was to know myself and learn to express my thoughts, needs, and emotions with love and kindness. So, in hopes that none of my pain, suffering, experience, or education goes to waste, I’d love to share it all with anyone willing to change their lives for the better. I am not a victim of anything, rather, I’ve just gone through a lot of uncomfortable situations that have made me a better and stronger person. Let’s work together to do the same for you.
I named my company Monavations Consulting because I have my own special way of motivating others to accomplish great things for themselves. It was coined by my college friend, Jamie, who used to call me for some "Monavation" to get her schoolwork done when she felt overwhelmed. I hope you give me a chance to show you Monavation in action as we change your world for the better.